这不,美国现在已经开始针对到各国优势企业来了,比如说前阵子中国的华为芯片问题,又比如现在马来西亚的TOP GLOVE手套公司,呵呵。
The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has directed personnel at all US ports of entry to begin seizing disposable gloves produced by Top Glove Corporation Bhd.
The CBP action comes after a statement earlier that it has found “sufficient information” to believe that the glove manufacturer uses forced labour in the production of disposable gloves in Malaysia.美国海关开始在全国各个港口查没产自马来西亚Top Glove Corporation Bhd的医用手套,理由是该公司在生产手套过程中因为强迫劳动之类的人权及道德问题,看来全球的人权问题都很好用哦。
Top Glove has 60 companies within its group and exports to more than 195 countries.这个手套公司是马来西亚最大的医用手套生产上市公司,拥有60家子公司且其手套产品出口至世界195个国家。
It previously said it was working with CBP to remove the detention order on its subsidiaries, Top Glove Sdn Bhd and TG Medical Sdn Bhd, following the allegations of forced labour.
Earlier today, it said its US counsel are liaising with representatives from the CBP to obtain more information on the alleged use of convict, forced or indentured labour.美国议会方面会就强迫劳工等事关人权问题的议案进行进一步调查取证,其实这些表面的文字都是最终指向其内在本质,你Top Glove公司在疫情期间在国际市场尤其是美国市场大赚特赚,现在就应该出点血啦!