Manpower exports from Bangladesh to Malaysia resumed after three years Sunday following the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Dhaka and Kuala Lumpur.孟加拉人力出口拟重新与马来西亚签订合作备忘录;
The new MoU is more worker friendly but recruiting syndicates must be kept in check to ensure that migrant workers can actually benefit from it, experts and businessmen observe.备忘录的签订立场更加侧重孟加拉劳动工人利益,劳务公司团体将会被重点监督,以便两国劳务交流双方获益;
In 2016, the Malaysian government announced that 1.5 million workers would be imported from Bangladesh every year. However, only 10 agencies had the privilege of sending the workers due to recruiting syndicates.
The maximum cost for each migrant worker was fixed at Tk35,000, but the syndicate took Tk300,000-400,000 per person.此项引入业务规定每名出国的孟加拉外劳孟方收费不能超过35000塔卡,但是实际上却是超出了;
Currently, 200,000-300,000 undocumented Bangladeshis are living in Malaysia.因为中介管理不严格,导致至今有将近30万非法孟加拉劳工生活在马来西亚;
The recruitment agency will bear all the costs of the Bangladeshi workers, including the recruitment process, accommodation, employment, and sending the workers to Malaysia.根据备忘录指示,孟方中介应当承接外劳的引入、住宿、雇佣以及办理孟方工人出国流程;
Besides, the employers will have to bear the immigration fees, visa fees, medical expenses, insurance expenses and quarantine expenses of the workers.然后马来西亚雇主方需要承担马来西亚移民局费用、签证、医疗、保险及入境隔离等相关费用;
Experts and businessmen fear that recruiting syndicates will continue to take advantage of the migrant workers, negating the benefits of the new MoU.业内人士担心中介方会为了更高利润而钻空子,最终违背两国备忘录的初衷;