以后小曹尽量定期贡献一些在马来西亚尤其是几个大城市如吉隆坡的一些美食老店供大家参考,方便你在游玩马来西亚的时候可以顺便去品尝一下不一样的味道,同时也是为了小曹自己哪天无聊的时候可以翻开自己的博客去尝试一下那些自己述说过的马来西亚美食老店,那么我们先说说今天这个主角德昌饱饺茶餐室(Restoran Tuck Cheong)。
一、They make & sell dim sum early in the morning since a few decades ago. Popular to local community. Delicious & priced reasonable. However, service can be improved.他说这是家开了几十年的老店,基本上都是一些港式点心的东西,口味和价格都非常不错,但是服务就有待提高,这里小曹想要说明一下的是目测香港那些美食老店似乎服务都比较一般,巴黎那种美食老店服务又好的基本上价格都不怎么一般,看你要价格还是要服务了,呵呵。
二、Its our first time to Malaysia and we somehow stumbled across this local joint.
Open in the early hours (6am) and close around 10.30am so you gotta be up early and quick otherwise, you probably will just get to wash dishes instead of enjoying those dishes. Pure Cantonese style with just dimsum and tea, no other drinks available. Well, at the end of the day, that’s exactly what Yumcha means, “drink tea”.这个网友说德昌饱饺茶餐室开店比较早,早上就是6-10点半这样营业,一般老店都是比较有个性的,尤其在口味和服务方面,去晚的人可能要自己洗碗哈哈,主要是广式早点和茶。This place has been there for over 60 years and is a family owned business. Had an awesome convo with the not-so-young ladies that they worked there since they were little helping their parents and turned out that we shared the same ancestors (kind of) even though they are the 3,4 generations in Malaysia, our ancestors came from, literally the same tiny street/village of Sunwui, Canton, China. What’s the bloody odd ey? 然后这家店开了有超过60年了,家族式经营且基本上都是老啊妈在做服务,都是从小服务到老的那种,呵呵。