





1. What Is the PATI Recalibration Program?

The PATI Recalibration Program is a special program to legalise illegal foreign workers in the Malaysia to become legal foreign workers employed by eligible employers subject to strict conditions decided by the Government through the Immigration Department of Malaysia (JIM) and the Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN).


2. Who Is Eligible To Participate In This Program?

Employers from Manufacturing, Construction, Agriculture, Plantation, Mining & Quarrying, Security Guards (Nepalese nationals (male), Domestic Foreign Maids (PRA) and Services sectors.仅限制造业、建筑业、农业、种植业、采矿业和采石业、保安人员(尼泊尔国民(男性)、外籍家庭佣工 (PRA) 和服务业)的有效雇主;

Service Sub Sectors such as – Restaurants, Cleaning Services, Wholesale & Retail, Cargo Handling, SPA, Reflexology, Kedi (Men), Hotels, Resorts on Resort Islands, Laundries, Scrap Metal and Land Warehousing。 服务子行业,例如 – 餐厅、清洁和洗衣、批发和零售、货物装卸、SPA、足底按摩、Kedi(男士)、酒店、度假岛上的度假村、废金属回收和土地仓储;

Subject to the quota approved by the Malaysian Immigration Department and the Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN) for Security Guards.须受马来西亚移民局和内政部(KDN)批准的保安员配额限制;

Compliance with existing foreign worker employment conditions such as nationality, gender, age limit, levy payment, pass qualification and so on; AND遵守现有的外籍劳工雇佣条件,如国籍、性别、年龄限制、征费支付、准证资格等

Not in suspected list and blacklist.不在嫌疑人名单和黑名单上,有的话要处理一下哦

Not Declared bankrupt and have pending cases with JIM.未宣布破产而且没有与移民局(JIM)未解决的案件

3. Who is NOT eligible to participate in this Program?

Employers from Textile Businesses, Goldsmiths, Barbers, Welfare Homes and Recycling不适用的行业是 – 纺织企业、金匠、理发师、福利院和回收;

4. What is the eligibility of PATI to participate in this program?

This program is open to foreign workers who fulfil the terms and conditions as follows:

Only 15 source countries for other sectors ONLY (Indonesia, Bangladesh, Thailand, India, Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Nepal, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan)外劳 – 来自 15 个国家(印度尼西亚、孟加拉国、泰国、印度、菲律宾、柬埔寨、老挝、尼泊尔、缅甸、斯里兰卡、越南、巴基斯坦、土库曼斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦和哈萨克斯坦)

Only 9 source countries for PRA Foreign Maids ONLY (Thailand, Cambodia, Nepal, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines, Sri Lanka, India and Indonesia)女佣 – 只有9个国家(泰国、柬埔寨、尼泊尔、老挝、越南、菲律宾、斯里兰卡、印度和印度尼西亚);先注册RTK 2.0,详细情况将在稍后通知;


PATI who has committed an offense on or before December 31, 2022 below:

Section 6(1)(c) i.e., entering and staying in this country without having a valid passport under the Immigration Act 1959/63.

Section 15(1)(c) i.e. overstaying under the Immigration Act 1959/63;

Rule 39(b) which is breaching the conditions of a pass under the Immigration Regulations, 1963

PATI who has registered in the Rehiring Program and the 6P Program.

Have a valid country travel document that is still valid for at least 18 months.

PATI does not run away from their employers.

Not in Suspected List and Blacklist

Have undergone health screening (FOMEMA) and certified (Fit to work)

在 2022 年 12 月 31 日或之前犯下以下条规:

– 根据 1959/63 移民法,第 6(1)(c) 条例 ,在没有有效的签证的情况下进入和逗留我国;

– 根据 1959/63 移民法,第 15(1)(c) 条例,逾期居留;

– 违反 1963 年移民法第39(b) 条例规定的签证条件;

• 已注册 Rehiring Program 和 6P Program 的 PATI;

• 持护照有效期至少为 18 个月的 PATI;

• 不可以在移民局(JIM)系统中有被前雇主有举报潜逃记录;

• 没有在嫌疑人名单和黑名单上有记录;

• 通过FOMEMA健康检查;

5. What is the age requirements for PATI to participate in this program?

The age requirement for PATI is 18 to 49 years at the time of registration.注册时 PATI 的年龄限制为 18 至 49 岁;

6. What is the duration of this Program implemented?

This program is extended until December 31, 2023.截至到23年底。

7. Does The Program Involve Vendors or Third Parties?

This program is run entirely by the Malaysian Immigration Department (JIM) and the Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN)该项目完全由马来西亚移民局(JIM)和内政部(KDN)管理,暂未授权第三方;

8. Are there certain sectors that limit foreign workers from source countries to participate in this Program?

Male workers from the Philippines are allowed to work in all sectors while female workers are for maids only.

Workers from Nepal are allowed to work for all sectors including the Security Control sector (as Security Guards).

Construction Sector

• 允许菲律宾的男性工人在所有部门工作,而女性工人只能从事女佣工作;

• 允许来自尼泊尔国家的雇员在所有部门工作,包括安全控制部门(作为保安人员)。

While for contractors in the construction sector, employers can choose to use the services of the Construction Labor Exchange Center Berhad (CLAB) through www.clab.com.my or with the Malaysian Immigration Department (JIM) through RTK 2.0.

而对于建筑行业的承包商,雇主可以选择通过 www.clab.com.my 使用建筑劳务交流中心有限公司(CLAB)的服务,或通过 RTK 2.0 使用马来西亚移民局(JIM)的服务申请。

9. Please refer to the Basic Conditions and Criteria for the Recalibration Program 2.0 before registering on the RTK 2.0. If a mistake occurs during registration in the RTK 2.0 process, it is the employer responsibility.

如果在RTK 2.0 门户中注册时出现错误,则由雇主负责。

10. Employers are advised not to try to obtain a Temporary Work Visit Pass (PLKS) for employees by giving false statements, the Application will be CANCELED and COURT action will be taken under the provisions of the Immigration Act 1959/63.

建议雇主不要试图通过提供虚假陈述为雇员获得临时工作访问准证 (PLKS),如果被发觉,申请将被取消,并将根据移民法 1959/63 的规定采取法庭行动。




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