Hi there. We are traveling as a family to Malaysia next week and are wondering which line to take at immigration – local or foreign passport queue? We have 1 Malaysian passport and 3 Canadian passports. I read that wait times at KLIA have been long recently, so want to make sure that we do this right the first time. Thank you . 就是网友问,他是一家人,然后其中一个马来西亚护照,其他是加拿大护照,就想问在移民局入境关口的话排队要排本国人通道还是外国人通道。
这个问题可能大多数人会觉得奇怪,各自按照自己的国家做排队就行了,但是其实 他的意思就想绑定一起入境,用以希望入境处官员看到其中一位本国人护照,不要去为难其他家庭成员,大概就是这么一个意思。
1、Melissa Lee, the queue in January this year was not that bad at all. However, it depends on your arrival time, if it coincides with other major carriers, then it is no fun queuing for an hour to get thru.
This time we used the KLIA Fasttrack priority pass to bypass the queue.If you can afford it, it is 100 MYR per person. It allows you to use a dedicated counter to breeze thru immigration.这个网友是在回答快速过关避免排队的问题,个人觉得如果能办那是相对节约时间咯,因为以前就是很多人排队,尤其是外国人通道就非常拥堵,这个网友是在从快速通关的方面解决等待时长的问题。
2、Malaysia manual passport control, as told by immigration officer once. I traveled with my foreign spouse and non-Malaysian kids.这个网友说建议走马来西亚本国通道,自己先过关,然后告诉官员后面一起的随行家人,是外国人这个事实,小曹觉得这个是最优方案,最好搭配上结婚证明之类的文件作为证据效果更好。
3、Malaysian auto-gate. Foreigner / foreign passport holder have to go through the queue。该网友说本国人走自动通道,家庭人员走外国人通道,比较耿直的做法咯。
4、I normally go to the manual Malaysian passport counter if travelling as a family (we have a lil one too).We do this whenever we travel together and never had any issue.该网友也是建议全部走本国通道,然后特别告知一下官员其他家庭成员一起过关这个事实就行了。