Economic sectors allowed to operate at half capacity during phases one to three of the movement control order (MCO) are allowed to carry on business at full capacity from Wednesday (April 29).一些涉及到经济产业的部分,尤其是那些在1-3阶段中就可以半工半产的企业,29号就可以被允许全产能回复生产了。
These companies must, however, comply with the established standard operating procedure (SOP) in their respective sectors。但是前提是要根据自己的行业规定实行必要的疫情防疫标准化规范才行,不然政府检查到了也是会采取关停措施的。
Defence Minister, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob informed today during his press conference that the government has decided to allow all small companies including Small and Medium Industries (SMEs) to operate.国防部长也说政府已经开始允许部分中小企业在行动管制令期间开业,这是一个非常好的开始,虽然小曹不懂为啥是国防部长站出来说这个话,呵呵。
government hoped to revitalise the supply chain of goods and services to meet both domestic and foreign demands with the positive impact, especially on small-medium enterprises (SMEs).尤其是对于供应链生产类的公司,如果可以尽早开工,至少还是可以把客户留住,最终把疫情影响降至到最低,对今后的经济服务有正面作用。